Following passage of Ballot Measure 2 in 2014 legalizing cannabis for adults 21 and over, Alaska’s regulators moved forward with plans to regulate on-site cannabis consumption locations, allowed under the law. In December 2018, the Alaska Marijuana Control Board made history by adopting the first set of statewide rules authorizing and regulating on-site consumption. Soon, tourists and Alaskans alike will be able to consume at locations other than private residences.
Here is a summary of some of the key provisions:
Endorsement Required
Licensed retailers may seek an endorsement authorizing on-site consumption. These locations must be approved by the local government and meet requirements related to security, ventilation, staffing, and other operational standards. The initial license application fee is $1,000, with an annual cost of $2,000, in addition to fees that apply to the retailer.
Consumer Purchases
Cannabis and cannabis products may be sold in raw or edible form for on-site use. Individuals may purchase up to one gram of cannabis, or edibles containing up to 10mg THC, for use at the location. Concentrates or beverages that contain marijuana ingredients may not be consumed on-site, but dispensaries may offer a wider range of products intended for home use.
Consumption Area
The consumption area must be separated from the rest of the facility with a security door or located in a stand-alone building. If the consumption area is outside, it must be surrounded by a wall or privacy fence with access only from inside the facility. Workers must be able to observe the consumption area at all times and do so from a place that is smoke-free.
Air Quality Controls
Facilities must have robust ventilation requirements. Air handlers must move air to the outside, exhaust air must be filtered, and no visible smoke may exit the building.
Restrictions Apply
Concentrates, alcohol, and tobacco products may not be used on-site.
Customers may not “bring their own” to be consumed.
Locations may not conduct promotions such as “happy hour” specials.
Cannabis consumers may not be intoxicated and will be refused entry if they are.