Questionable Conduct
This policy is designed to address situations in which an employee suspects another employee has engaged in illegal acts or questionable conduct. This conduct might include outright theft (of equipment or cash), fraudulent expense reports, violations of MPP policy, or ethical violations. MPP encourages staff to report such questionable conduct and has established a system that allows them to do so anonymously.
Making a Report
If an employee suspects illegal conduct or conduct involving the misuse of MPP assets, he or she may report it -- anonymously if the employee so wishes -- and be protected against any form of harassment, intimidation, discrimination, or retaliation for making such a report in good faith.
Employees should first approach their department head if they suspect legal or ethical violations within the organization. Employees can also make such a report to the executive director if they are uncomfortable approaching their direct supervisor. If the allegation involves the executive director, then employees may report the violation to the board member who is charged with initiating investigations of the executive director. (This board member is currently Frayda Levy, who is vice chair of the board.) MPP will promptly conduct an investigation into any matters reported, keeping the informant’s identity as confidential as possible, consistent with our obligation to conduct a full and fair investigation.
Due to the important yet sensitive nature of the suspected violations, effective professional follow-up is critical. Supervisors, while appropriately concerned about “getting to the bottom” of such issues, should not in any circumstances perform any investigative or other follow-up steps on their own. Accordingly, a supervisor who becomes aware of suspected misconduct:
should not contact the suspected person to further investigate the matter or demand restitution; and
should not discuss the case with attorneys, the media, or anyone other than the executive director (or the appropriate board member);
No Retaliation
MPP will not tolerate any form of retaliation against employees who report concerns in good faith regarding MPP’s operations. Any employee who engages in such retaliation will be subject to disciplinary actions, up to and including termination. Reports of retaliation will be investigated promptly in a manner intended to protect confidentiality as much as practicable, consistent with a full and fair investigation.
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact your department head or the executive director.